Moose Jaw Police Service Salaries For 2021 To Be Released Monday Afternoon
As part of Monday night’s agenda package the City will be officially releasing the overdue public accounts for 2021.
Part of those accounts have the required by law release of public servants salaries including the Moose Jaw Board of Police Commissioners - the de facto employers of the Moose Jaw Police Service (MJPS) - the following is the sorted listed of highest to lowest paid of all MJPS employees for 2021.
Chief of Police Richard (Rick) Bourassa $176,188.65
Deputy Chief Rick D. Johns $161,008.99
Taylor Elder Staff Sergeant $158,599.88
Aaron Woods Constable 10th Year $153,811.67
Taylor W. Mickleborough Superintendent $152,095.46
Devon M. Oleniuk Superintendent $150,775.67
Richard A .McKenna Superintendent $150,775.67
Chad K. Scheske Sergeant $150,077.34
Highest Paid At The Moose Jaw {Police Service - Chief Rick Bourassa’s 2021 pay was $176,188.65
Christopher Flanagan Staff Sergeant $145,550.13
Trisha K. Seman Staff Sergeant $143,033.33
Myles A. Coghlin Sergeant $143,015.77
Kevin H. Pilsworth Staff Sergeant $141,776.42
Marlie Frei Staff Sergeant $141,234.43
Jim Biniaris Constable 10th Year% 139,681.71
Jason P. Watt Sergeant $138,934.06
Ryan W. Lawrence Constable 10th Year $138,890.65
Randell F. Boechler Sergeant $135,999.51
Sheldon MacNaughton Sergeant $135,998.03
Joshua MacNaughton Constable 10th Year $135,487.86
Jay G. Sills Constable 19th Year $134,437.95
Highest Paid None Office Staff Member - Staff Sergeant Taylor Elder was paid $158,599.88 in 2021
Adrian, Kevin G. Sergeant $132,568.88
Curtis Amiot Constable 1st Class $132,110.22
Cameron S. Lewis Staff Sergeant $130,673.92
Evan Schwabe Constable 1st Class $129,032.23
Ryan Lundquist Constable 1st Class $128,199.05
Jeremy Anderson Constable 10th Year $127,032.89
Robert A. Heath Sergeant $126,912.05
Todd K. Booth Constable 19th Year $126,758.79
Rodney M. Zoerb Constable 10th Year $125,998.57
Kyle Cunningham Constable 10th Year $125,954.93
Murray G. Rice Constable 19th Year $125,777.56
Stanley A. Koch Constable 10th Year $125,033.50
Ryan G. Forbes Constable 10th Year $124,960.27
Bradley D. Sukenik Constable 19th Year $123,221.62
Blair L. Torgunrud Constable 10th Year $121,548.20
Willem J. Geyer Constable 1st Class $120,527.76
Dionne S. Milleker, Constable 10th Year $118,969.23
Kalie B. Seidlitz Constable 1st Class $118,894.77
Melanie Durrant Constable 1st Class $118,347.83
Landon M. Giraudier Constable 10th Year $116,889.78
Branden Hoggins Constable 1st Class $114,834.76
Shawn T. Mohle Constable 10th Year $111,215.52
Heino G. Izaaks Constable 1st Class $110,469.81
Casey Lea Constable 1st Class $104,845.39
Jordan Renee Lonsberry Constable 1st Class $104,731.25
Alanna Coghill Constable 3rd Class $100,262.15
Cory L. Kerr Constable 19th Year $99,167.65
Harmandeep Singh Constable 3rd Class $98,578.55
Brandon Braun Constable 3rd Class $93,169.79
Lisa D. Renwick Financial Administrator $89,123.39
Regan Pawliw Constable 3rd Class $85,848.59
Mary Kaye Macdonald Communication Officer $85,613.10
Paul Thunberg Constable 1st Class $84,574.08
The number two in the Moose Jaw Police Service chain of command Rick Johns was paid the second highest in 2021 - he earned $161,008.99 in 2021.
Jennifer Clark Communication Officer $78,622.81
Anderson, Lori Executive Administrator $77,119.18
Shelley K. Goudie Communication Centre Co-ordinator $75,344.00
Brenda F. Wandler Communication Officer $71,805.27
Daniel Chamberlain Constable 4th Class $69,894.94
Evangeline M. Lucier Communication Officer $69,546.64
Jeffrey Veeder Communication Officer $66,853.99
Jayme L. Hoffman Constable 4th Class $66,485.54
Michele Payne Communication Officer $64,978.84
Jared L. Brin Constable 4th Class $64,777.30
Paula Degagne Communication Officer $63,638.31
Payton Denet Constable 4th Class $61,287.85
Terri Roney Victim Services Co-ordinator $59,072.98
Shannon D. Booth Administrative Assistant $55,264.71
Amy M.R. Ausland Administrative Assistant $54,705.56
Michael D. Neilson Constable 1st Class $54,696.07
Patricia Longworth Building Caretaker $54,607.83
Lori D Yahnke Administrative Assistant $53,913.99
Linda D. Hales Administrative Assistant $53,913.99
Patti J. Gibney Administrative Assistant $53,232.03
Brent S. Mackey Superintendent $7,196.44 and $42,915.07 other compensation
Donna Y. Blondeau Victim Services Co-ordinator $43,125.36 and $8,055.04 other compensation
Randy S. Jesse Staff Sergeant $22,330.41 and $32,856.8 other compensation.