City Manager Puffalt Gives Notice Of Retirement From City

Jim Puffalt - photo courtesy City of Moose Jaw

It wasn’t a lengthy affair but at Monday afternoon’s Council meeting city manager Jim Puffalt announced his retirement as an employee with the City of Moose Jaw.

In a brief announcement Puffalt said he was giving notice and would be looking for new employment.

“I would like to announce today that I have provided written notice of my retirement as city manager for the City of Moose Jaw. That will be effective May 6, 2023 that is the end of my contract,” Puffalt said, adding “and that will allow the City the process of replacement and it will also allow me to look at further opportunities, thank you.”

“Thank you Mr Puffalt, Thank you for your service and we will have more to talk about that in the coming months as you announce your retirement for May of 2023,” Mayor Clive Tolley said about the retirement announcement.

Puffalt has not attended a personnel meeting since March 29th and there was speculation were at the time he was either retiring or being replaced.

During his tenure at City Hall Puffalt is well known for creating more City positions by bringing more things such as planning of the cast iron water main design in house instead of contracting out the work. The in house move was seen as a means to save the City money.

We will publish more details when they become available.

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