Moose Jaw's Wastewater Now Being Tested For Virus Causing COVID - 19
Just when you thought it might be safe to go back out into the community exactly what is lurking as far as the virus causing COVID - 19 is about to be a weekly subject thanks to an expanded University of Regina study.
On their Facebook page the U of R announced they will now be including COVID - 19 weekly results from Moose Jaw’s waste water treatment plant.
Also to be included in the wastewater sampling are Swift Current and Yorkton.
Screen shot of the University of Regina’s Facebook page announcing expanded weekly wastewater testing - source Facebook
Developed the University of Saskatchewan testing wastewater for the virus projects trends seven to 10 in advance. The virus is present in the feces of people who have contracted the virus before they show symptoms.
Since the arrival of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) in Saskatchewan, the researchers have been busy measuring concentrations of genetic material (RNA molecules) in wastewater. The virus is present in the feces of infected persons, even before they become symptomatic.
Because the analysis provides a cost-effective, efficient and integrative measure of infected persons in the sewer-shed, it can reliably project trends in a community approximately seven to 10 days sooner than by public clinical testing,” the U of S said.
At the present time the last check of Moose Jaw’s wastewater shows viral levels are stable and moderate but the conditions exist for a potentially increase over the next week.
Moose Jaw’s test results - screenshot Facebook