Advertising At City Facilities Has A Banner Year in 2020
It may have been a slow year in 2020 for many businesses and the City may have put off work and shut down some portions of their operations to save money but it was not a slow year for the City when it came to advertising revenue.
In an annual update, as required by Council policy, Administration provided a report of the annual advertising dollars brought in from ads in City facilities as well as the Summer Playground Program.
The report (shown below), shows the City bringing in $65,740i in advertising dollars in 2020 which tops the 2019 total of $61,151.
With half a year gone the total for 2021 has already surpassed the 2020 advertising dollar totals.
Advertising dollars brought into City coffers from advertising dollars at City facilities and programs - source City of Moose Jaw report
“Despite the challenging year you will see in 2020 our advertising revenues have increased and it is encouraging in 2021 we have already surpassed our 2020 dollars,” Derek Blais, Parks and Recreation director told Executive Committee.
For the annual Playground Program the arrival of advertising dollars has positively impacted their programming.
“(In the) Playground Program we have seen some opportunities that have provided to this program especially last year. And it has certainly (contributed) through the pandemic,” Blais said.
It needs to be noted that the Kinsmen West Park Naming Rights is s pledge made by the Moose Jaw Kinsmen Club to help cover the capital costs of upgrades to West Park’s park and it is not being used for operating costs for recreation as other advertising is.
In 2020 and so far in 2021 there is less advertising dollars available to help fund Parks and Recreations programs if the $10,000 pledge is moved to the capital fund.
As part of a deal with the City the Moose Jaw Warriors have the right to sell advertising on the boards of ice arenas. That agreement is set to end this year and is up for negotiations, he said.
The Committee voted unanimously to accept and file the report.