City Wins Award For COVID - 19 Recovery Plan
The City of Moose Jaw has received an award for their COVID - 19 recovery plan from the Economic Developers Association of Canada (EDAC).
In their submission to the EDAC the City stresses their “Notoriously Engaged Approach to helping business combat COVID - 19.”
The initiatives which the City participated in and submitted to be considered for the award were:
the joint launching and partnership with the Moose Jaw and District Chamber of Commerce for ZOOM thinktanks to find solutions and exchange information about what local businesses were facing because of COVID - 19 and lockdown of some businesses.
the purchasing of gift cards as part of Ding Dong and Ditch Day where residents were encouraged to buy gift cards from local businesses and then leave them at a friend’s doorstep. The initiative garnered over $2,500 spent on local businesses.
the lack of cash for businesses to advertise led to the creation of the “No Business Left Behind” Facebook page by WOW Factor Media to give local businesses the opportunity to reach out to customers.
Virtual Marketplace - funded by the City the on-line store allows local businesses to have an on-line presence
Pop-up Patio. The City funded an outdoor area Downtown adjacent the former Times-Herald building to allow people to purchase meals from restaurants and have a place to eat their meals. The City partnered with the local Rotary Club who maintained the area.
Economic measures taken to help ease the strain of the pandemic on the business community such as suspending the due date and payments of property taxes until September 30, 2020, a zero percent property tax hike, suspension of parking meters and a $500 property tax credit for qualifying businesses.
The Notorious Jawcast during Small Business Week in April was donated to the local COVID - 19 recovery process.
The City spearheading a COVID-19 Economic Task Team made up of participants in the thinktank meetings
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