Local Rap Artist Releases First CD

He may not be as well known as his idol Eminem but a local 11 year old rapper hopes to be their someday as he releases his first CD.

Entitled Hoop Dreams the locally produced CD by Roque Spaan-Murray known under the rap handle Lil Poomba is a compilation of 15 songs selected from the 30 he has so far turned out.

“It is just something I really like. I love the melody and the beat and stuff,” Roque said when asked about his favorite genre of music usually associated with BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and People of Colour) artists.

It is the same question asked to rap's royalty Eminem, and Roque's favorite artist, when the a budding teenager broke out from the underground club scene to fame and fortune.

“It's my favourite genre of music,” the Palliser Heights School student said.

Although only being doing actual rap for seven months the genre associated so often with urban angst has left its mark on the easy to interview Roque.

The CD is Roque's progression from discovering an App to make the music to busting out from his YouTube channel Lil Poomba which although does not have thousands of views nevertheless has a decent sized local following.

“The music videos do better on YouTube,” he said of the four he has so far turned out with the help of his dad Nick Murray.

His track Sunrise deals with not only dreams but integrates the barriers the COVID - 19 pandemic throughout it in an accompanying slower hip hop like track that flows with the rap that is years ahead of his 11 years.

Of course for an elementary school student, Grade 6, just starting out there are a lot of family members who support his music.

Another major influence and helping him along the way is the locally well known former rapper Ursa Maja gave Roque pointers and insight on how to get into the genre.

Roque takes what is seen as the riskier, but more creative, approach to rap with the majority of his work freestyle. Freestyle is spontaneous, unscripted and instantaneous with the music coming out immediately with no written song.

Roque describes his first venture into rap as positive and about his experiences at the places he has visited.

“I would describe my music as positive. There is no swearing in it, I am only 11,” he said.

His rap Demons - available only in audio - does delve into the land most rap fans will be comfortable with.

Like all artists Roque said his rap is not a scheduled affair but rather when he feels inspired to create.

“I really don't have a schedule when O make my songs.sometimes I go for days without rapping.”

In the end Roque hopes his music someday leads to the same success as his rap idol Eminem.

And like most musicians in Moose Jaw Roque is doing his own mefia, promotion, marketing and hopefully events to reach his musical dreams.

But the effort is worth it with the CD now on store shelves.

Hoop Dreams is available locally at Vintage Vinyl, John's Music and Comic Book Guy.

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