High School Athletes For December 2021 Announced

The Moose Jaw High School Athletics Association’s athletes for the month were announced.

This month’s sponsor is Seaborn Insurance.

Back row (left to right) Ashley Breitkreuz (volleyball/basketball - CCS), William Shilling (curling - CCI), Summer Okerstrom (volleyball - AEP) Kyrin LaRochelle (volleyball - AEP), Cole Breitkreuz (football/volleyball - CCS), Caleb Newkirk (voilleyball - CCI).

Front row (l - r) Channing Bowes (curling - CCI), Makena Simmons (volleyball - AEP), Brooklyn Rooney (volleyball - AEP), Michaela Decorby (soccer - VCI), Sophie Thompson (archery - VCI).

Missing - Noah Osiowy (basketball - BBC), Keyana Thiessen (basketball - BBC), Jacob Gyman (basketball - RVCI).

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