Anti-Meth Committee Seeking Community Input

For the last year the Moose Jaw Crystal Meth Strategy Committee (MJCMSC) has been busy informing Moose Jaw about what Meth is, the dangers of Meth and where to get help and as they transition into a newer organization they are seeking public input to let them know how they did.

Moose Jaw’s Crystal Meth Strategy Committee aims to improve community safety, wellbeing, and education by increasing public awareness of the crystal meth issue and available community resources. In addition, the committee envisions offering opportunities for parents, teachers and community members to actively engage with youth in conversations around crystal meth.

What do you know about meth and its impact is a major basis of the survey to see what still needs to be done to inform the community is a major basis of the survey.

Did they manage to get the message out there about Meth in a manner which helped?

Do you have any suggestions on what they could do better? Do you see them not covering certain areas you wanted them to?

Well here is your opportunity to do so and for everyone who completes the on-line survey there is an opportunity of winning a $50 gift certificate of your choice.

The survey may be found by clicking the link.

The survey is available until December 10th.

moose jaw