Addictions Awareness Week Declaration Signed
November 21 - 27 has been declared National Addiction Awareness Week in Canada and a number of events will be held in Moose Jaw in hopes of turning the tide of addiction in the community.
To kick off the week of learning and interaction Acting Mayor Jamey Logan signed a declaration as part of the “Driving Change Together” theme.
The Mayor’s Declaration asks that people consider the things which contribute to someone becoming an addict and that stigma which surrounds addiction often prevents addicts from receiving the help they need and recovering.
DECLARATION SIGNED - Deputy Mayor Jamey Logan signed the proclamation while Superintendent Devon Oleniuk (MJ police Service), Gillian Froehlich (SHA Health Promotion) and Chad Topp (Executive Director, Thunder Creek Rehabilitation) look on.
For further information check out the Moose Jaw Crystal Meth Strategy Committee’s Facebook Page.