Rhino's Ramblings - Passports, Masks And Madness

By Robert Thomas - Opinion/Commentary

Whether we like it or not the vaccine passports or I suppose I should say proof of vaccination is now upon us.
And you guessed it already the controversy is engulfing the community.
There are businesses who are telling me - restaurants mostly - how devastating the proof of vaccination requirements have been on their establishments.
People are staying away in droves when it comes to providing proof of being vaccinated.
Some of it is out of fear but for others it is a semi-organized backlash aimed at punishing Premier Scott Moe.
It is an unofficial but also semi-organized boycott where since they cannot eat inside at a table they are neither ordering curbside or delivery.
I have had more than a couple people tell me they feel bad it is hurting businesses, including their favorite restaurants, but once a few businesses go under and the economy begins to crash then Premier Moe will "finally listen to the majority."
I have heard some sit down restaurant owners saying their business has dropped by 30 - 40 percent.
While people at the fast food chains - where no proof of vaccination is required - tell me their business is noticeably up since the vaccination requirements came into effect.
One popular sit down restaurant had four customers for Sunday breakfast while the weekend before there was a line-up to sit down.
For the sit down restaurants, who were seeing a ray of hope over the Summer, and slowly getting their staff back, there must be a worry of laying their staff off again.
Some staff of one of the popular restaurant chains told me despite their not requiring to ask for vaccination proof the level of rudeness they endure is growing even more than when masks were re-mandated.
They simply take it and ignore the anger aimed their way.
In reality all they are doing is their jobs according to government policies but they are taking the brunt of it.
More than a few staffers tell me they want to find other jobs and quit.
"Pour your own effing coffee Sir," is the underlying feeling. But at least the restaurant workers are polite about it.
Others are telling me the entire vaccine passport policy makes no sense in so many other areas.
For example you can go into the Superstore and run around spreading germs for hours but God help you if you want to enter the liquor store portion to buy a bottle of cooking wine.
As you need a vaccine passport to enter.
While others tell me a person must prove they are vaccinated to enter the Yara Centre's fitness centre but you don't need a vaccination passport nor a mask to put on your bathing suit and exercise at the indoor pool.
None of it seems to make any sense and people tell me the numbers of people going out is dropping.
The anti-vaxxers or those who question the validity of the vaccine are way beyond totally angered.
Many are to the level of actually actively talking about resorting to force to stop what they believe is fascism.
They even had a secret unannounced rally a couple of weeks ago with hundreds in attendance.

The pushback is strong, it is real and it is growing.
While those on the vaccinated side of the issue are likewise concerned about the restrictions seemingly half hearted approach.
Other people I know point to the seemingly "stupidest thing they ever heard of" rules when it comes to COVID and the schools.
A policy where a not fully vaccinated student who has been in close contact with someone who is contagious must isolate themselves from the community.
But at the same time they are suppose to be in community isolation they are allowed to attend in-person classes. So long as they self monitor.
As one parent told me all that is doing is potentially spreading the virus more in the schools.
Another parent pointed out to me the policy is proof positive the virus is really just a hoax.
And this is how the government is forcing kids to be vaccinated - by ostracizing them and taking away their extra-curricular programs.
Then there is this one from a local care home this week where they finally did a tally of residents' and their staff's vaccination status.
Out of the residents there are two people who are not vaccinated but they stay in and eat in their rooms.
But the shocking part is nine staff are at this time not vaccinated. And they are free to wander throughout the facility.
Now the staff have been told to be vaccinated within the next few weeks or they will be let go.
But here is the kicker if all nine decide not to be vaccinated the care home has no idea where they can find replacements.
And it is not just in care homes.
I know of home care workers who likewise are not fully vaccinated and are on a daily basis going into the homes of those who are the most susceptible to the virus.
The Saskatchewan Health Authority Is just now trying to determine the vaccination status of their staff.
Or what about Saskatoon's mayor Charlie Clark asking for gathering restrictions based upon public health officials recommendations and the Premier turning him down?
Acting Mayor Dawn Luhning has said at more than one council meeting SUMA's City Mayor's caucus has been discussing what is coming COVID wise, so where is Moose Jaw's letter and plea to Premier Moe?

I will try to ask the question remotely this coming Tuesday.
The system is a total mess it seems.
I was asked on the weekend what are my plans regarding the virus.
Given my health condition I have finally made the decision to pull back.
For people who don't know it I am immune compromised and have been out in the community risking it for months.

My doctor - medical specialist - has been after me to do this for months and that is limit my exposure as I am in the group of people highly susceptible to go down from COVID - 19. I need to isolate myself more than ever.
With a seeming lull in City Hall's war against the media the opportunity finally presents itself to duck and cover.

I might come out though - to do a couple of stories - if what I believe was/is an active probe by the Regina City Police Service into the Moose Jaw Police Service starts to yield some results. I have a tinkling it might been happening very soon and someone got relieved. And no don’t ask me how I know because if I am not going to collapse to pressure from the RPS I am not going to cough up to those without the guns.
As the experts are saying the next two to four weeks are crucial so for me it is just time to stay home.

But with that said I really don't need to catch this virus and run the risk of being another discounted statistic - and not a person - with an underlying medical condition.

Proof positive the virus is really nothing to worry about unless you are a discounted statistic.
I am sorry but I need to look after my health as well.

And yes I know there are those out there who are going to say I have finally drank the Kool Aid by listening to the “medical experts" but it is my decision.
I know I have been around unvaccinated people probably lots but it isn't my job to judge them.
People are people plain and simple.

Somehow we need to find a way to get along.
My decision to attend the Legion's banquet on the weekend was because I figured the veterans who benefit from the Poppy Fund faced way more danger in their lives than I ever would by attending.
Somebody from the local press had to be there to help publicize the importance of this event, period.
But there are greater worries out in the community.
Business owners on the retail front who have a great hidden fear they will soon have to ask for proof of vaccination.
How do they enforce it? How do they keep up staff morale in the all too predictable backlash to follow?
What happens if shoppers then stay home during the all important Christmas buying season?
My guess is local retailers are starting to fear if people start staying at home they are more prone to shop Amazon.
My one neighbor is now even buying most of his non-perishable foods off of Amazon.
They tell me it is often cheaper than the local flyer sales and offers free delivery to their front door.
It is something I am not prepared to do.
That is the uncertainty this Fourth Wave has brought to me.
The world seems to be full of so many contradictions.
As one person told me, who is fully vaccinated and pro-mask, what needs to be done is the first person who complains in a restaurant they aren't asking to see vaccination passports needs to have 60 people beat that person up and then throw them naked in a ditch.
It leaves me thinking where are the Good Samaritans anymore? Has kindness finally fled humanity?
Do I dare ask people- Please Be Kind?
It is a very strange world out there in the New Normal.
One seemingly full of division, contradiction and more than a healthy dose of insanity.

moose jaw