Hold The Scotch ??

It was suppose to be a major coup for the city having a Scotch or double malt whisky distillery take up residence.

Council granted a tax abatement for Imperial Distillers starting the the year they began production.

The front of the proposed Scotch distillery has weeds growing on it as of Friday - MJ Independent photo

The front of the proposed Scotch distillery has weeds growing on it as of Friday - MJ Independent photo

Members of the business community who reported the condition of the proposed distillery site to MJ Independent asked if the project was progressing given the appearance of the facility.

Another view of the proposed site - MJ Independent photo

Another view of the proposed site - MJ Independent photo

It needs to be noted other than a property with weeds growing on it it is NOT KNOWN what stage the $3 million project is at. It may well still come to fruition.

It is known Imperial Distillers purchased the property.

moose jaw