Council's Proposed Increased Remuneration Up Tonight

The proposed increased remuneration for Council is on tonight’s agenda - but whether the issue will be debated is entirely at Council’s discretion.

At tonight’s Council meeting the minutes from the June 29th Executive Committee will be brought forward for Council approval. Under Saskatchewan legislation all pay changes for councils must be made at a Council meeting.

The changes in Council’s remuneration include tying the mayor’’s remuneration to what an MLA receives and councillors being paid 33.33 percent of what the mayor receives. If approved the remuneration increases take effect for the next Council which will be elected November

If approved the mayor will receive $100,068 up from $79,108 ( a 21.6 percent increase) and councillors will receive $33,323 up from $24,918 (a 28.5 percent increase).

The remunerations recommendations were made by an independent three member panel. Executive Committee approved 16 recommendations including the two which set out their base salaries.

The other recommendations deal with the mayor’s car remuneration, the per diem paid to Council members when attending conferences, educational seminars and other functions related to their duties. There is also a policy to allow “younger” council members leave to care for their children.

The leave policy does not define what “younger” means and it also does not make provision for council members who may be grandparents and caring for their grandchildren. A 2015 Statistics Canada report found approximately 72,000 grandparents over the age of 45 were raising their grandchildren up from 27,000 in the 1996.

See The Report - Stats Canada Report

The other sections of Council’s remuneration are as follows:

3. THAT Councillors receive a per diem at the current rate (2020 $161.30) to be charged against their Travel/Education Allowance for attendances outside the City at conferences, conventions, seminars or similar functions or programs related to city business.

4. THAT Councillors receive additional Deputy Mayor remuneration at the current rate (2020 $420.92/month).

5. THAT the Mayor be provided office space, equipment and support staff comparable to the city’s management, a travel budget of $10,000 required to conduct the affairs of the office including attendance at conferences, conventions, seminars and car allowance of $500 per month. This represents a modest amount to recognize car usage. The Mayor would be entitled to out-of-City mileage for destinations greater than 250 kilometres in the same manner as a City employee.

6. THAT the Mayor be eligible for all benefit programs on the same terms and conditions as city out-of-scope staff.

7. THAT Councillors receive an annual Travel/Education budget for out of city use at conferences, conventions, seminars and like functions related to city business at their own discretion and accountability; that the amount of the allowance be set for 2021 at $4756. This allowance would adjust in the same manner as MLA salary changes and would also permit reimbursement for admission costs to events held within the city such as annual awards dinners at which council attendance is appreciated. No travel outside North America shall occur without prior approval by Council resolution.

8. THAT Council expenses from the Travel/Education allowance be paid through the same processes and at the same rates as travel reimbursement policies as apply to city staff.

9. THAT Councillors receive an IPad/tablet and city email account for the transaction of city business; Councillors will receive no other additional support services;

10. THAT Councillors, designated as part-time, not receive any benefit coverages other than Accidental Death and Dismemberment currently covered.

11. THAT Councillor per diem, Deputy Mayor payment and Travel/Education Allowance be increased annually by the 4 same percentage applied to the Mayor’s remuneration related to the MLA indemnity.

12. THAT in the event a member of council, elected or appointed, to a MUS (SUMA) or FCM Board or Committee agreed by Council resolution to be a representative of the City be reimbursed for travel and per diem from the Travel/Education allowance unless the appointing organization pays for these, in which case the member shall receive no additional reimbursement.

13. THAT Council may, by resolution, authorize additional travel or per diem expenses for any out-of-city travel to conduct city business where it is deemed advisable to have the Mayor or Councillors attend.

14. THAT all amounts paid under this policy be discreetly and individually budgeted and reported publicly by posting to the City website on a quarterly basis, as well as disclosed through Public Accounts disclosure.

15. THAT a review of this policy be initiated one year prior to the 2024 municipal elections to make recommendations with respect to the remuneration of Council members commencing January 1, 2025.

16. THAT the city review and bring forward potential leaves of absence policies to permit parental leaves of absence for younger members who may be elected and require short term accommodation to permit continuing community service.

SEE RELATED - Executive Committee Takes First Step Towards Remuneration Increase

SEE RELATED - Mayor Argues In Favour Of Increased Car Allowance

SEE RELATED - Mayor Asks Is Brandon’s Mayor Full-Time

SEE RELATED - Council’s Proposed Remuneration Increase Up Tonight

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