Lines Repainted On 1st Avenue NW (Copy)
Whether you love or hate them the lines which indicate there are only three driving lanes on 1st Avenue NW - one lane northbound, one lane southbound and a dedicated left hand and in the center, are back up and freshly painted from Manitoba Street West to Oxford Street West.
The newly painted lines on 1st Avenue NW - MJ Independent Photo
The change in traffic took place last year with the lines painted later in the year.
The move drew some criticism in the community.
People either did not like the change and/or the change in their opinion happened too late into the year with the paint covered by snow not allowing drivers to grow accustomed to the new lanes and rules.
Previously 1st Avenue NW had two northbound and two southbound lanes for decades.
During the Winter months many drivers resumed driving the street as a four lane configuration despite the signage. While other drivers obeyed the posted signage.
The three lanes are part of a traffic safety initiative which is suppose to increase traffic flow while allowing the City to increase the number of parking spots complying with the Traffic Bylaw.
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To Assist Drivers
According to the SGI's Saskatchewan Driver's Handbook: Centre Left Hand Turning Lanes
The diagram indicates the correct turning procedure.
How to use a center left hand turning lane - courtesy SGI
Enter the two-way left turning lane only at the point adjacent to the property you want to access (see arrow for car A).
Left turns from either direction may be made from the two-way left turning lane.
When leaving a driveway or parking lot, pick a gap in traffic, complete the turn by driving through the centre turning lane and into the first available driving lane as quickly as possible (see arrow for car B).
The centre turning lanes may not be used as a passing lane or as a driving lane.
Where a centre turning lane is provided, you may not make a left turn from any other lane.