SCRAPS MJ - Lyra Needs A Hero here is her story


Once upon a time there was a little kitten named Lyra who lived outdoors with her mom and sister Comet. They lived in a yard with kind humans who cared for them, built them a shelter and fed them daily. Winter was coming however and it would soon become very cold. The humans were very worried about the kittens and their mom and called SCRAPS.

SCRAPS came, rescued the little family and in time Mama and little Comet had found a home of their own. But for shy little Lyra the search for forever would take much longer. A long year later, sweet Lyra finally found her Person. Someone who was patient and gave Lyra time to Let her sweet personality blossom - and it did.

Lyra was finally happy. Her dreams of being wanted had come true! She now purred contentedly and rubbed her shiny fur against her beloved human. Lyra loved her new home where she felt safe in a family which included another little cat. Life was finally PURRfect!

Then, Tragedy struck with the death of Lyra’s loving guardian.

Her stable world crumbled and everything changed. Her little kitty sibling was taken away to live somewhere else but Lyra was very scared and hid. In the commotion and emotion it was believed that Lyra had ran outside into the cold and was gone. She was now forgotten, abandoned & alone. The peaceful, gentle home she had began to thrive in was now GONE.


Then there came the signs, the sounds in the night & ultimately the compassion of a neighbour who realized a very fearful Cat was still there somewhere & desperately needed help. This kind human left food and water for Lyra and called for help .... SCRAPS before long learned that the very frightened and traumatized cat they had just rescued was one of their very own. The heartbreaking discovery came in the form of a tattoo - it was Lyra.

Terrified and abandoned Lyra was placed back into the embrace, love and nurturing of SCRAPS foster care. Through the long process of gentleness, patience, space, time & love Lyra is once again beginning to trust and recover from the trauma of her experience. She very desperately needs a home. Lyra needs a home where someone will allow her time to once again learn to trust and settle into a stable world where she will learn that she is loved for the wonderful, gentle, very sensitive Little cat she always has been.

Lyra needs someone to be her HERO. We are searching for that very special home for Lyra - a quiet home where she can begin to relax and slowly learn that she is once again safe and LOVED. The home would be extra perfect if it had a friend for Lyra. Someone who could tell her in her own language that everything is going to be OK.

Please help us to find that “HAPPY EVER AFTER” for Lyra. Her new happy story is just beginning. Lyra is initially a shy, very Sweet, playful, and loving Cat. She so needs a safe place to finally land in & stability to allow her to reveal the gift that she truly is. If you can be a hero for Lyra we ask you to please contact us on Facebook, email us or call/text at 306-684-9048. Lyra is urgently needing to find a home very soon.

Are you Lyra’s HERO? Please share her story.

moose jaw