Provinces Again Tightens Restrictions To Fight Spread Of Covid - 19

To help stop the potential spread of the Covid - 19 coronavirus the Province has enacted new stricter regulations under the provincially declared State of Emergency.

Those measures include, amongst others, further restrictions on the number of people who may gather in one room, what is and is not essential service and what businesses are now ordered closed to access to the public.

All measures come into effect March 26th.

The Moose Jaw Police Service has been tasked with enforcing the Province’s declared State of Emergency.

To reduce the spread of COVID-19, the Government of Saskatchewan - except under strict conditions - is now limiting the size of all private and public gatherings to ten people. The move includes house parties.

Regarding meetings of Moose Jaw City Council the Province said the order does not preclude their continue operation so long as they meet specific conditions which include two metre distancing between people can be maintained or where people are distributed into multiple rooms or buildings. Any decision to not hold Council meetings would be a decision made by the local Council at this time.

Mayor Fraser Tolmie has publicly stated he will follow the Province's recommendations and regulations and not take unilateral actions.

At Monday night’s meeting three members of Council - Councillors Heather Eby, Chris Warren and Dawn Luhning - and one member of Administration - Jim Dixon - appeared by videolink. All attendees at the meeting were at least two meters away from each other.

The media who physically attended were MJ Independent and the Moose Jaw Express.

“As we impose further restrictions to fight the spread of COVID-19, we know this creates challenges for businesses in Saskatchewan and we know that providing as much clarity as possible is important,” Premier Scott Moe said in a statement.  “We are already seeing the creation of a social distancing economy in Saskatchewan as many businesses adapt their service delivery to prevent the spread of COVID-19.”

Critical Public Services and Allowable Business Services

The Province released a comprehensive list of critical public services and business services that will be allowed to continue operating during the COVID-19 response and maintaining critical services to the public and industry to prevent supply chain disruption.

The list includes: health care and public health workers; law enforcement, public safety and first responders; production, processing and manufacturing and the supporting supply chains; transportation and logistics; government and community services; media and telecommunications; construction including maintenance and repair; select retail services; and banking and financial services.

MJ Independent has contacted the Province for better clarity and all three media outlets in Moose Jaw - MJ Independent, Moose Jaw Today (Moose Jaw Express) and Discover Moose Jaw (the radio stations) are critical services under this order.

The full list is available by clicking here.

Non-Allowable Business Services

Effective March 26, non-allowable business services will be unable to provide public-facing services. 

Closure of non-allowable business services prevents certain businesses from providing public facing services, it does not preclude opportunities for non-allowable business services to expand into online retailing, or providing pick-up or delivery services.

Examples of non-allowable business services that will be prohibited from providing public-facing services includes: clothing stores; shoe stores; flower shops; sporting good and adventure stores; vaping supply shops; boats, ATV, or snowmobile retailers; gift, book, or stationary stores; jewelry and accessory stores; toy stores; music, electronic and entertainment stores; pawn shops; and travel agencies.

This is in addition to the following business services that were ordered closed on March 23:

On March 23rd restaurants, food courts, cafeterias, cafes, bistros and similar facilities.  Exceptions are take-out with two metre distancing between customers during pick-up; drive through food services; delivery of food products; soup kitchens, not-for-profit community and religious kitchens with two metre distancing between tables.

Personal service facilities including tattooists, hairdressers, barbers, acupuncturists, acupressurists, cosmetologists, electrologists, estheticians, manicurists, pedicurists, suntanning parlours, relaxation masseuses, facilities performing body piercing, bone grafting or scarification services.

All recreational and entertainment facilities including fitness centers, casinos, bingo halls, arenas, curling rinks, swimming pools, galleries, theatres, museums and similar facilities.

Dental, optometrist, chiropractic, registered massage therapy and podiatry clinics except for non-elective procedures.

Public and Private Gatherings Restricted to 10 Person Maximum

Effective March 26, public and private gatherings of more than 10 people in one room are prohibited.

Exceptions are provided where two metre distancing between people can be maintained, such as: workplaces and meeting settings where people are distributed into multiple rooms or buildings; and retail locations deemed essential.

Social Distancing in the Workplace

Workplaces must ensure their occupational health and safety guidelines are up to date and in force to prevent the transmission of respiratory illnesses.

Workers must follow personal protective measures to prevent the transmission of COVID-19.

  • All travellers returning from international destinations – including the U.S. – are subject to a mandatory self-isolation order.  Anyone identified by a Medical Health Officers as a close contact of someone with COVID-19 shall go into mandatory self-isolation for 14 days from the date of having been exposed.  Exempted are truckers, airline, rail, and work crews that are required to work in order to maintain business continuity and are supervised by Infection Prevention and Control Officers or Occupational Health and Safety in the workplace.

  • Actively monitor for symptoms.  At the first sign of cough, immediately self-isolate for 14 days.

  • Practice physical distancing in the workplace. Maintain a two metre separation between individuals.

  • Wash your hands often. Cough/sneeze into your elbow or tissue and wash your hands immediately.

COVID-19 Information Online

Residents can go to for the latest information reorganized to make it easy for residents to find what they need.  It includes information on travel guidance and preventative measures as well as information for care providers.

Unsure of your symptoms?

Visit and use the self-assessment tool to determine if you should contact HealthLine 811.

Note that any use of the former URL will redirect residents to the new site.  Public inquiries may be directed to

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