City Provides Daily Covid - 19 Measures Update 3.0


MOOSE JAW – The City of Moose Jaw is advising residents and businesses to continue following COVID-19 restrictions as set forth by the Provincial Government.

On Friday (March 20) the province implemented further measures to help stop the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). The City urges all residents to heed recommendations from the province and Saskatchewan Health Authority (SHA) for everyone’s safety.

Those restrictions include:

• A ban on public gatherings of 25 people in one room, except in places where people maintain a physical distance of two metres.

• The closing of nightclubs, bars and lounges. Those facilities can offer takeout, as long as they respect the same two-metre distancing rule.

• The closing of all restaurants, food courts, cafeterias, cafes and bistros, effective Monday. They can offer takeout.

• A now-mandatory order for anyone coming back to Saskatchewan from anywhere outside Canada, as well any person flagged by the province as a close contact of a COVID-19 case, to self-isolate for 14 days.

One operational change implemented on March 20 is that City crews will travel in separate vehicles to work sites. The City continues to provide essential services related to sewer and water repairs, so residents may notice more vehicles than usual in construction zones. We ask drivers and residents to please exercise caution and stay a safe distance from all work sites for the safety of everyone.

The regular meeting of City Council will proceed as scheduled Monday, March 23, 5:30 in Council Chambers at City Hall.

The meeting is closed to the general public, though media may attend and if you would like to address Council regarding one of the agenda items, visit the “City Council Minutes and Meetings” page at for details on how to be heard.

Shaw Cable informed the City March 20 they would be able to broadcast the March 23 meeting.

The City will also stream the meeting live on our YouTube channel.

Finally, the City of Moose Jaw sends thanks to Moose Javians who are reaching out to help those in need, and we thank the local business community, front line and health care workers for their efforts serving residents.

The City of Moose Jaw will continue to offer updates on and the new City of Moose Jaw app, which can be found in the Apple and Google Play app stores.

You can also listen to Mayor Tolmie and City Manager Jim Puffalt provide further comment on a new episode of the City’s podcast – “The Notorious Jawcast” – the episode can be heard here: 504761590/city-of-moose-jaw-covid-19-update-march-20-2020

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