Chamber Of Commerce Releases Action Plan Re: COVID - 19

To help slow the potential spread of Novel Coronavirus COVID - 19 as well as help the local economy recover more quickly from any shock it might endure surrounding the virus the Moose Jaw and District Chamber of Commerce (MJDCC) has taken action which includes cancelling a number of events as well as providing accurate information to its members.

The Chamber is taking a four step approach:

  • Ensuring we lead with a safety-first message.

  • Ensuring our members have access to the facts.

  •  Ensuring we effectively plan for things that we can control.

  • Starting to think about the post-disaster phase to enhance economic recovery.

As part of the safety-first message the Chamber has postponed a number of events over the next few weeks, The events postponed events are:

March 19th – Finance Minister Luncheon (Cancelled) 

March 20th – Moose Jaw Connects Momentum

April 8th –   Moose Jaw Business Excellence Awards

April 16th – Energy on Tap

April 22nd – Administrative Professionals Day Luncheon

“Our first priority is to ensure the wellbeing and safety of our members, our staff and our community by taking the appropriate precautions that contribute to the cessation of any potential spread of COVID – 19,” the release stated.

In the release the Chamber recognizes COVID - 19 wil have an impact on not only the world, national but the local economy as well and that businesses need to remain positive in whatever might happen.

“Above all, stay positive. Businesses will be seeing their cash registers slowing and as the Voice of Business, we must remind people that as with all big economic storms, this too shall pass,” Rob Clark MJCC CEO wrote.

“The economy was not stellar before this hit and we should not expect it to grow at double digits afterwards. As a Chamber, we have the responsibility to help the economy recover as fast as possible, but at the right time. The MJDCC is researching best practices and will provide more information as necessary to the businesses,” Clark wrote.

In order to keep its members informed the Moose Jaw & District Chamber of Commerce has set up the following information portal for its members. The Chamber also recommends to its members the value of trusted sites for information. Links to those sites are below:


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