Free Gaming Convention On Saturday

If you are a high school student and you are into the world of gaming then there is a free opportunity for you to partake in your passion this Saturday. Starting at 10 am and running until 10 pm Riverview Collegiate will be hosting a LVPUP (Level Up) gaming convention for students in grades 9 -12.

According to Logan Petiak from Prairie South School Division the event will feature a wide variety of activities including Dungeons and Dragons, CosPlay as well as the latest in gaming.

The event is geared to assisting high school students get out and have some fun at a level not offered by Moose Jaw Gamers, he said. “Sports is always the highlight thing but gaming is good socialization and helps get the kids out,” Petiak said adding “it helps build a gaming community in Moose Jaw.”

The event is free and will include free pizza compliments Dominoes Pizza.

Additionally there will be a concession available with drinks and other items reasonably priced – one to two dollars.

For more information on the event click on this link.

moose jaw