Potential Five Percent Tax Increase

Any way they slice it property taxes are going up in 2021 and depending on your property and what your assessment is now the total municipal tax bill is going up over five percent if the present budget is adopted.

The proposed budget so far has the following expenditures:

2.87% Municipal Tax Increase for Operating Budget

1.18% Municipal Tax Increase for Police Service Budget

$35.00 per year increase in the Infrastructure Levy to fund cast iron watermain replacement.

The 1.18 percent increase in property taxes for the Moose Jaw Police Service (MJPS) budget represents an overall increase of 5.58 percent or $565,322 which includes $216,000 of financial services the City previously provided to the MJPS for free.

For the average municipal property tax bill this amounts to $7.90 per month and $94.80 annually.

In addition to the property tax increase there will also be further increases to water and sewer utility bills. The proposed increases are:

6.00% Waterworks Utility Rate Increase to provide funding for capital renewal ($3.86/month)

5.00% Sanitary Sewer Utility Rate Increase to provide funding for capital renewal ($2.58/month)

The budget deliberations commence this Wednesday and will be broadcast on Shaw Cable 10 as well as on the City’s website.

The budget in its entirety - including the expected enhancements - has yet to be released.

moose jaw