Vanier Collegiate Has A Case Of COVID - 19

In what is fast becoming a regular procedure for schools in Moose Jaw there has been a case of COVID - 19 found at Vanier Collegiate.

In a form letter sent out to parents today (Saturday November 21st) from Vanier’s principal Brad Moser he alerts parents about the single case and that the school is working closely with Public Health to ensure all necessary measures are in place to protect students from the virus.

Whether the positive case was identified in a student, staff member or volunteer is not revealed in the letter.

The letter, which was sent out to all parents, states that Public Health will be in contact with the parents of students and staff\visitors\volunteers who may have been in close contact with the person who is ill. The letter goes on to state if you are not contacted by Public Health it means you were not in close contact with the individual.

Parents are advised to monitor their child and if they have symptoms of COVID - 19 to call the Health Line at 811 for further instructions.

The full letter is below.

vanier collegiate covid november 21.jpg

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