City Hall Employee Tests Positive For COVID - 19

The recent rise in the number of cases in the community has hit City Hall as an employee there has tested positive for COVID - 19.

The employee, who does not interact with the general public, has not been at city hall since November 5th.

City Hall staff have been asked to self-monitor and Public Health will be contacting anyone who may have been in close contact with the employee with further direction.  

The City also continues to perform enhanced sanitization practices in line with Saskatchewan Health Guidelines.

The City reminds residents that City Hall is open from 11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Monday-Friday (excluding statuatory holidays) and all visitors must complete a COVID-19 health screen before entering the lobby.

The City offers a number of online payment options and the drop box in front of City Hall (228 Main St. North) is open 24 hours a day.

Although Council has previously voted against the wearing of masks at City facilities the City is strongly recommending the wearing of masks in all City facilities, Moose Jaw Transit and anywhere in the community where two metres of physical distancing can not be ensured.

moose jaw