Domestic Violence Survivors Workshop Runs Tonight

Submitted By Saskatchewan Festival of Words

Kendra Weenie is a Cree woman from Sweetgrass First Nations.

She is also a survivor of domestic violence.

When her daughter was only 8 days old she was nearly beaten to death by her former partner. It was through this traumatic event that she realized the importance of her own self-care. She knew that by prioritizing her own self-care she would setting a good example for her daughter and begin to heal from the past events.

Through Kendra’s inspirational book: Surviving Domestic Violence: My Journey of Self-care and Healing, public speaking, and workshops, she hopes to pave the way for other women to break free from the bonds of domestic violence and feel empowered once again.

Kendra will be leading a painting workshop presented by the Palliser Regional Library on January 20, 2020, from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm. It will be held in Office 461 Athabasca St. E. Moose Jaw. This workshop will guide participants through painting while discussing painting as art therapy. 

To register, please visit the festival of words website:

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