Beyond Your Backyard - Local Nature Photographer To Speak At Next Moose Jaw Nature Society Meeting
Bob Schuktz, likely out shooting deer, but with his camera. - Submitted Photo
By Kimberly J. Epp
Take a trip around the Moose Jaw and surrounding area - and experience the amazing wildlife, living skies, fascinating landscapes and even the wondrous moon. You can do it all by just sitting back with fellow naturalists/nature lovers while enjoying a cup of joe on Friday, March 22nd at 7:00 pm. Moose Jaw Nature Society welcomes Wildlife/Nature Photographer, Bob Schultz. We meet at St. Mark's Church on 80 High Street E. We meet the 4th Friday of each month.
Photography provided Bob with his first employment; working for a local studio, the local newspaper, then CFQC Television. Film, a medium of choice was traded as the digital age was born. Bob's camera of choice is a Canon 1DX. He processes photo files with ON1 photo Raw, Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop.
His primary interests are wildlife, nature & event photography. Some of his bird photos have also been printed in Nature Saskatchewan's newly published "Birds of Saskatchewan" guide.
Snowy Owl in Flight. This owl is either a juvnile or a female, as the males are white so as to detract predators from the female’s nest on the tundra - Bob Schultz Photo
Bob is also an avid member of the Moose Jaw Camera Club, which meets the first Monday of the month. Bob will be at the MJNS meeting to show a wide array of photos, answer your questions, and all photography shown will also be for sale. Contact Kimberly Epp at 681-3198 or Leslie Fielding at 630-5046 for more information. Program is free of charge, but memberships will also be available for sale. Refreshments will also be at the ready. You do not need to be a member to attend.
Some upcoming dates to consider include "Earth Hour", Saturday March 30th from 8:30 to 9:30 pm, a global effort where we all go dark for one hour. This means turning your lights, TV's, phones, laptops, etc. all off for one hour in an awareness campaign combatting climate change. On Earth Day, (Easter Monday), April 22nd, Kim will lead a Spring nature hike at the Nicole Homestead (a 2 km round hike), where we will meet initially to car pool (at Tim Hortons, downtown location) at 1:00 p.m.
Great Blue Heron, a common site at Buffalo Pound - Bob Schultz Photo
We have two more meetings before our summer break where speakers TBA, but our AGM will be held in May, where a new Board of Directors will be voted upon. Summer field trips to various sites TBA for details, but mark your calendars for the Nature Saskatchewan Spring Meet in Eastend June 14th to the 16th. It is sure to be a t-rex-mendous adventure! Contact Nature Saskatchewan at (306) 780-9273 for details.
A shot of the Moose Jaw skyline, where Bob Schulz was chasing the Aurora Borealis or Northern Lights - Bob Schultz Photo
Epp is an Environmental Educator and Nature Writer and is also the President and Field Trip Coordinator for the Moose Jaw Nature Society. She can be contacted at