City Flushing Water Mains Until End Of October

Until the end of the month you might want to keep some extra water available as the City is conducting its annual flushing of water mains in Zones 1 and 3 – Sunningdale and South Hill.

Unidirectional flushing is being performed to help remove corrosion which occurs in water mains over time.

The corrosion and buildup can reduce the flow and effect water quality. By flushing the lines corrosion is removed, flow capacity of the pipes is increased as well as the water quality improves.

The benefit of unidirectional flushing is that it removes sedimentation from the water mains, improves water quality, and has the potential to reduce water distribution pumping costs.

Residents are asked not to use the water in the area for a day while the City is flushing in their neighborhoods as the water may have a brown or rusty appearance which has the potential of staining clothing which is being laundered.

The City advises residents may want to store water while the lines are being flushed in their area.

To assist residents the City has an on-line zone map as well as flushing schedule available on its web-site by clicking on the Unidirectional Main Flushing link. The map will be updated daily and flushing takes place Monday to Saturday inclusive from 7 am until 7 pm.

The City expects the discoloration will not last more than a day.

To clear any cloudiness or discoloration of the water – following the day – the City advises residents to open their cold water taps one at a time for 30 – 60 seconds.

Repeat the process until the water is clear.

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