The Week That Was


Nick Murray

We are but a small news outlet with a limited number of writers, so it goes without saying that there will be some news stories the people want to read about that we are unable to cover. Thankfully there are other news services kicking around that do a fine job covering some of the events and stories we are unable to get to.

That's why we have decided to do a Weekly Rundown of News Events, combining our stories with ones published by other sources. That way we can ensure that our readers find out about all the important news that happened in their city.

Without further preamble...

The Week That Was.

The City is Rebranding.

That's all there is to it. The decision had been made and the process has begun. Gone will be "Surprisingly Unexpected" and in it's place...well...only time will tell? The City of Moose Jaw has aligned with Tourism Moose Jaw and the Moose Jaw District Chamber of Commerce.

Councillor Swanson seemed a bit perplexed by the decision and asked some questions about it at Monday's Council Meeting. When was the decision made? And who was going to pay for it?

Read: The City is Rebranding, Who Pays For It?

Plenty of Moose Jaw's good citizens were vocal in their disapproval of the idea, which led to one writer here penning a story in which he seemed to deride the city for it's decision to rebrand while simultaneously acknowledging that branding works and has worked in Moose Jaw in the past.

Read: Rhino's Ramblings: New Slogan Idea Draws Fire

The City is keen on the idea, and they want you to understand the benefits associated with rebranding, that's why they have booked an international branding expert. Gair Maxwell will be at Council Chambers on September 25th to presenting “The Branding Highway” in which he details how brands boost revenue and why “Brands of Distinction” consistently out-perform the competition.


The City Borrowed $30 Million

The City voted in favour of borrowing $30 million for major infrastructure repairs/replacements.

Councillor Brian Swanson opposed taking the money, citing the weak economy and poor priorities of the past, he would sooner use the reserves to fund repairs and not take on "speculative investments".

Despite Councillor Swanson's protestations, the remaining members of council handily backed the decision.

Read: City Borrows $30 million.

The Ryan Polupski Saga Continues

Ryan Polupski has run afoul of the law on many an occasion and on many occasion he has also been allowed out of custody on bail. Well, it seems he may no longer be so fortunate.

Back in September he breached his probation agreement when he failed to report to his officer. He claimed he didn't report because he was "under stress" after having watched his "friend's head get shot off". You see, it was in Polupski's dwelling that Tyrus Ayerst was allegedly murdered.

Polupski was released on bail after that. But it wasn't long before he slipped up again, this time being found in possession of Cocaine, Morphine and throwing stars.

He wanted to run his own bail hearing as he had previously terminated his legal aid and was even about to call a witness to the stand before taking the Judge's advice and agreeing to adjourn.

He is back in court today (Monday Sept 17)

Read: Daily Jaw - Polupski Remains in Custody

30th Annual Moose Jaw Toy Run

Motorcycle enthusiasts from Moose Jaw and throughout the province descended upon the city for their 30th Annual Toy Run on Saturday Sept 15th


Hundreds of kind-hearted motorcyclists rode their machines down Main Street North then west on Thatcher Dr. to the Salvation Army where they donated more than 200 toys.

The toys will be distributed to needy children as part of the Salvation Army's charity work.

Heather Eby is Running for Council

Eby, a former Councillor is the fourth person to throw their hat in the ring in the civic byelection.

Eby said "my 7 years of experience on City Council positions me well for stepping into this role mid-term and also right at Budget time".

Also running is Mike Bachiu, Doug Blanc and Steven White

Read: Heather Eby: A Byelection

Read: 10 Questions With Mike Bachiu

Read: 10 Questions For Doug Blanc

Moose Jaw to Take over Policing Duties in Caronport.

After 26 years of serving the community of Caronport, officer Don Taylor is retiring. As a result, the Moose Jaw RCMP will take over his duties.

Measures have been put in place to acquaint the MJ RCMP with the area and it's citizens.

The future of policing in Caronport is not finalized yet though, the Mayor and Village Council would like to have a local police service or even their own RCMP detachment in the one day

Read: MJ to Take Over Duties in Caronport