Saving the Fairford St. YMCA


With the YMCA Annual General Meeting (AGM) set for 6:30 PM this Thursday at the Sportsman’s Centre, MJ Independent asked questions of both sides in the debate about the Y's future and the planned closure of the Fairford Street East flagship location.

We posed questions to Jeremy Brehm a candidate for the Y's Board of Directors and a leading opponent against the Fairford Street East closure.

We encourage our readers to read both sides of this issue and then ask additional questions before you as a Y member vote.

Read CEO Jeff Fox’s take on things.

Why is it important for people to come out and vote at the AGM? 

The YMCA is a community-based organization - it is accountable to the community, and our votes directly influence the management of it. The members vote on who they want to be on the board, and the board hires a CEO to manage operations. I have heard many complaints of how the MJ YMCA is ran, along with many suggestions on how it can be improved. The AGM is where people can come out, place their votes, and actually make a difference!

What is at stake here? 

The Fairford YMCA location is the only all-inclusive community centre in Moose Jaw - it services people of all races, genders, ages, and socioeconomic backgrounds. It provides vital services for many people that society typically marginalizes, including people with mental health issues, troubled youth, immigrants, and people that can not afford to attend a facility without full sponsorship. Furthermore, in speaking to hundreds of people about this matter, I have had many so-called 'average' citizens tell me how much the Fairford YMCA means to them, and how the sense of community has helped their well-being, with a surprising amount saying that it actually "saved their lives" by bringing them back from the brink of suicide via a real, human connection, and a community to belong to. Abandoning so many people in need will have vast ramifications in our community. It is impossible to measure the full effect, but how do you put a value on all of the lives that it will it will negatively impact?

What are your feelings when it comes to the letter Jeff Fox sent out? 

It is wholly inappropriate of a CEO to not only influence votes for the board of their own organization, but to also ascribe outright lies to our group. I have met with Jeff and told him that this is not about the building, rather it is about the community that it contains. There are also no Engineering reports or official building evaluations to support calling a building "failing", and operating costs are in line with any building of that size and nature. To suggest as much without any evidence to support it is tantamount to wholesale deceit of the YMCA members.

Do you think the letter is a last ditch effort to get out the vote against those wanting to keep the Fairford location?  Would you consider it as a desperate move or a move of confidence? 

This was absolutely a last-ditch effort. The Facebook response to the letter has been very negative, so people are seeing it for what it is - desperation.

One of the big things about the Y has been the move to close the Fairford location has strictly been seen as a financial decision. As you run for the Y board how would you rectify the financial problems

According to the audited financial statement filed with the CRA for the 2018 year, the MJ YMCA actually made a lot more money than most YMCAs do. Their total operating fund made in excess of $175,000 after expenses. Revenue is not an issue here. That said, we have done a lot of research, planning, and networking, and are confident that we can increase programming and revenue, and reach many more members of our community.

In your opinion it's now been months since the initial special meeting of the Y has there been any facts released you believe back up your position?

Absolutely. We have found significant concrete evidence that supports our position, and invalidates the decision to close the Fairford facility.

The Y's own audited financial return now points to the decision already being made prior to the special meeting but yet seemingly the Board would not say it. What is your response to this?

There has been a complete lack of transparency throughout this entire procedure. I was on the Task Force established to evaluate the decision for the closure of Fairford, and myself and the majority of Task Force members feel that there was never any intent to reverse the decision to close Fairford. We made 34 requests for information, and none of the requests were fulfilled. The board and CEO originally voted to close the facility - without consulting the members, or doing due diligence in proper evaluation of the property - and did not disclose it to the members for months. In fact, they only revealed the closure once a document stating as much was leaked to the press. These are not the actions of a transparent management that is interested in what's best for the community.

Given last week's Civic Byelection saw Heather Eby return to Council was largely because the three other candidates did not campaign nor get their vote out, what have you and others in favour of keeping the Fairford location done in terms of campaigning and getting your vote out?

We have made a significant effort to engage the community, and gather their input. It is very clear what the community wants - Fairford to remain open - which we know because of our work with reaching out to them.

What do you have to say about the large number of people running for the Y board? Is this good or bad given past attempts by the Y to even get people to come out and run? 

I think that it's great - it shows that the community is genuinely interested, and recognizes the need for real change in the organization. The YMCA typically does not have anyone running for the board, so they have to recruit members. There are 18 people running on Thursday, which says a lot about what's going on.

Do you have anything else to add? 

If the YMCA community wants people with vision and drive to manage it, keep Moose Jaw community-oriented, build up the youth and vulnerable people in our city, greatly increase the YMCA's programming and funding, while being transparent and engaging the members, then vote for Save Fairford. You can vote at the AGM on October 25 at 6:30PM at the Sportsman Centre (276 Home Street East), and a list of the Save Fairford board nominees will be available there.

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