Will More Of High Street East Be Angle Parking???

Just over two years ago Mayor Clive Tolley brought forth a motion to have Administration determine whether or not more of High Street East can be converted from parallel to angle parking.

The intent of the motion was to create more parking spots on the 100 and 200 blocks of High Street East similar to the zero (0) block of the same street.

After two years the answer and the costs involved is set to come forward.

At this Monday’s regular Council meeting Councillor Doug Blanc asked the question about the potential parking change and was informed and the answer is coming soon.

Parking in the 100 and 200 blocks of High Street East is presently parallel parking - MJ Independent photo

Councillor Blanc said he was asking the question after concerns from an apartment dweller on the 100 and 200 blocks of High Street East there is insufficient parking in the area.

He referred to Mayor Tolley’s motion asking what became of it.

“I was approached a few days ago by an individual who happened to live on High Street East at the apartments there and they say they are restricted in parking because it’s not angle parking,” Councillor Blanc asked, adding “I’m curious when that is coming back to Council so we can review it.”

Director of Engineering Bevan Harlton said the report was coming back to Council as part of the updated Transportation Master Plan.

“The Transportation Master Plan is substantially complete. We are presenting it to Administration on June 3rd after that time we will bring a report to Council,” Harlton said.

The anticipated time the master plan will be presented to Council is the second meeting in June - June 24th.

The master plan has recommendations on High Street East as well as High Street West.

The report will contain how much it will cost and the recommendation as to what to do on that area of High Street,

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