Executive Committee Adopts New Council Expenses Policy

By Robert Thomas

Some say it is a long timw coming and should have been adopted long ago but this past Monday evening Executive Committee adopted an expense policy when it comes to the Mayor and Council’s expenses.

In an unanimous vote Executive passed the measure which should see Council members unable to charge certain meals, alcohol and personal purchases such as personal birthday cakes to City coffers.

The motion was passed following questions from taxpayers and a number of stories over the years by MJ Independent looking into what has appeared on Council’s expense accounts.

The move is designed to increase accountability and transparency in the expenses submitted for reimbursement from the City’s elected oficials.

Under a present policy all expenses have to be approved by the City Manager.

For example under the present policy former Mayor Fraser Tolmie’s allowed expenses was a birthday cake marking his birthday.

After MJ Independent found the expense through a Freedom of Information request Mayor Tolmie repaid the money and said the birthday cake purchase was an oversight by a staff member who for convenience purchased the cake on his City supplied credit card.

Additionally a Freedom of information request found that in 2024 the City paid hundreds of dollars to attend at least one golf tournament.


City Clerk Tracey Witke said the Mayor and Councillor Expense Policy is designed to address the management and expenses that incur by elected officils.

“I just want to say this policy is a starting point and all policy can be amended as required,” Witke said.

The main points of the “policy is to establish clear guidelines and standards for the reimbursement and management of expenses,” she said.

“This policy will ensure that public funds are used responsibly and transparently fostering trust and accountability in our community.”

Witke said recent public scrutiny over the management of expenses highlights the necessity of the policy.

“The aim is to increase public trust and ensure that all expenditures are necessary, reasonable and directly related to official duties. The key components of this policy is a standardization that provides a consistent approach to managing expenses, financial control, sets limits on expenditures and detailed documentation.”

The policy set principles and discourages inappropriate spending. It is done through clear guidelines by explicitly defining allowable expenses.

The expenses will be regularly audits “to ensure compliance and identifies areas for improvement.”

There are consequences for none compliance has disciplinary actions and public reporting. There will additionally be the publishing of expense reports for public viewing.

It should be noted in the most recent FOI made by MJ Independent the City did not provide the actual bills for Council expenditures for review but simply had the total amounts spent by members of Council. MJ Independent was in the process of appealing the records provided as not being thorough enough.


Councillor Dawn Luhning moved that the Executive Committee approve Mayor and Councillors Expense Policy.

“If we don’t have one I can’t believe we didn’t we need one,” Councillor Dawn Luhning said.

Councillor Chris Warren said he was happy with the policy.

“I just wanted to thank Administration for bringing this forward. I think anytime we can create clarity around our policies or procedures then (to) improve accountability and procedures I think that is a good thing.”

Councillor Patrick Boyle said the policy was simply common sense.

“(I think) a lot of this is common sense and it probably should have been in place,” Councillor Boyle said.

Executive voted unanimously to adopt the new policy. The policy must be voted on at a future meeting of Council to make it official.

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