Candidate Questions - Scott Montgomery
1. In 2023, for several reasons, a secondary audit was requested of SAMA. SAMA declined this request. Currently the City and council have chosen to do nothing in regards to this issue.
What are you prepared to do?
I think it's important for the city to revisit the entire audit of SAMA. I do not own a business in MJ but almost every owner that I have talked to, including those that have reached out to me since announcing I'm running, have called SAMA a disaster and ludicrous to quote. Its obvious to me that it needs some research into it, and I'm all for looking into it and making changes
2. Saskatoon has a Governance Committee which oversees their property tax/assessment department, and theirs far exceeds ours. Are you prepared to implement the changes needed in order to mirror/reflect theirs? Or something better?
Like Saskatoon, I believe all avenues of fair taxation should be explored, and not a single source input. When there are no checks and balances, things can get skewed.
We as a city need to support business growth, not hamper it by unfair taxation, or at very least exploring all options
3. a). In your words, What does a Moose Jaw Citizen say when they are asked “What do you think of Moose Jaw?”
Growing up and living my whole life in MJ (short of a year in Lethbridge), I used to say Moose Jaw has everything that the bigger cities have, just on a smaller scale, and that we're only 40 minutes from crime if we want it...joking of course. Now, sadly this is a reality here too, and we as citizens must stand tall and firm against it. i for one, am not ok watching catch and release policing policies fail like they have proven to do in other communities. I'm not ok with watching MJ become like Naniamo or others that let the downtown core get overrun. Its time for a change in policy, enforcement practices, and courts in their softness and unwillingness to prosecute crime at all levels.
I've always believed in supporting your community, representing your community, and giving back to your community. I was a competitive athlete growing up in this city, representing MJ many times... I've always been MJ first, Saskatchewan second. I raised my daughter to be the same way, on the judo mats she represented Canada on more than one occasion, the province on many many occasions, but always Moose Jaw. She lived and trained in Regina for 2+ years, trained in Lethbridge and Montreal for weeks at a time, but always Moose Jaw, and that i'm very proud of
b). If you are elected, What will the Citizens be saying in 4 years?
I hope in 4 years that people say "hey, let's vote for him again, because he truly cares about this city, always has, always will"
4. Right now there is a lot of talk about a proposed hotel on the zero block of River Street West. Rumours which include the potential building of a parkade by the City in the area.
The question is as an elected official how much City money - if any - are you prepared to spend either directly or indirectly in an effort to see the proposed hotel development get off the ground?
I think the downtown hotel project will be a massive win for Moose Jaw. Anytime you can get a significant build in your city its a big win. This project will hire local people and families, bring in tourism dollars, fill our restaurants and shopping throughout the city. Its a time to showcase what MJ can do. It has the potential to fill some voids that we currently hear about, namely parking. It creates closer access for the downtown events center, shopping etc. I do not know the specifics as to what dollars are allocated or if it potentially is a city partnership venture as im not yet a councillor. Sorry i don't know more details at this time.
5. Are you in favour of more or less funding by the way of levies? Or do you favour finding more funding by the way of tax increases?
Can you explain your reasoning?
I think both avenues of generation need to be explored. Proper and fair taxation needs to be priority and a levey is more pointed for specific purposes, so i would lean that way for additional income. I think a citizen is ok with paying a share for amenities, but not necessarily shouldering the entire costs. Many believe that they shouldn't pay because they don't use a facility, but fail to understand if it's for the community it benefits on a larger scale. I have this argument with my grandfather and even offered to pay his $100 bucks he said his taxes were going up for the Events Center.
6. In your own words what is the most important infrastructure projection that needs to be completed.
Where or how would you locate funding for this project?
This one is tough for me because I am not yet a councillor so i do not know what projects are earmarked or in stages of development. Let's revisit this one if possible when and if I become a councillor.
7. Affordability is a major concern for many residents.
Are you prepared - yes or no - to strive to make Moose Jaw more affordable?
Can you briefly explain how you would accomplish this?
this is a no brainer for me, Life is expensive for all of us right now and every and all options must be explored to save money. So many avenues can be explored from developer incentives for housing creating affordable housing units, potential public transit routing to save money, energy efficient practices and programs to drive down costs.
Attracting and supporting business developers who employ people with good wages and create many jobs in town has to be a priority. I think there needs to be a look at policy inside the city. There needs to be less red tape for builders and developers, not more. I think the city is broken from the inside in some of these areas and it needs to be looked at. Many people i've talked to say its impossible to get anything done in this city and with the city. This must change. We have to promote it as a place to get things done and that we are open for business.
We need to push for some industry that isn't another restaurant. We have lots of great places already