Councillor Asks Questions On Hundreds Of Duplicate Tax Notices

Concerns and confusion from property owners who received multiple tax notices from the city had a councillor ask him questions as to how many were sent out and why it occurred.

Councillor Jamey Logan raise the questions during the Enquiry portion of Monday afternoon’s regular meeting of Moose Jaw City Council.

“There were duplicate (property tax) notices sent out and I just wonder how many duplicate were sent out and what they may have cost the City? And why I guess how it happened?” Councillor Logan asked.

Councillor Jamey Logan was curious about how many, the need , the cost and why some property owners received duplicate tax notices - MJ Independent photo

“There were approximately 600 tax notices sent out in addition to property owners to ensure we matched the legislation,” City treasurer Brenda Hendrickson said, adding “we to make sure the owner that are legally to get the notice received the notice.”

The reason for the duplicate notices was due to changes in the computer system and difficulties in getting the data.

Problems with the City’s enterprise software has led to two delays in issuing tax notices. The Information Technology struggles to install and integrate the enterprise software has gone on for months.

Hendrickson did not provide what the data glitch cost in sending out the approximate 600 duplicate property tax notices.

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