Future Of Coteau Street East Bridge Headed To Budget Discussions

The status of a deteriorating neighbourhood bridge, once officially slated for demolition, was the subject of an enquiry at Council.

At Council’s Monday afternoon’s regular meeting Councillor Heather Eby asked an enquiry about the status of the Coteau Street East bridge.

The response from Administration was the fate of the 110 year old structure was still up in the air.

“We closed the Coteau Street East Bridge to vehicle traffic. It remains safe for pedestrian use. Since the closure we are having a valuated monthly. As of July, it was inspected and remain safe for pedestrian use,” city engineer Bevan Harlton said in response to Councillor Eby’s query.

The Coteau Street East Bridge when it was closed in May 2023 - MJ Independent file photo

Harlton said a recommendation for the Coteau Street East Bridge would be put forward either just before or at budget time.

It will join the budget discussions which will include repairs to Moose Jaw’s roadways in general.

The Coteau Street East Bridge was closed to vehicle traffic in May of this year after an inspection found it structurally unable to carry the weight of vehicles.

As part of full disclosure it needs to be noted when MJ Independent initially published a 2019 budget story - about the bridge’s scheduled demolition - the publication was virulently attacked by a few area residents to “get your facts straight” because they had been promised by a city councillor the bridge would be repaired and not demolished.

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