Mayor Tolley Ticked By Trash Tossing Teenagers

By Robert Thomas

With volunteers doing a city-wide cleanup two weekends ago Mayor Clive Tolley was none too happy by some teenagers tossing trash in the Town and Country Mall parking lot.

Speaking to media at the post Council press conference Mayor Tolley brought up his seeing teenagers littering the Mall’s parking lot with fast food wrappers.

“I was driving home last night and behind the Mall there was a bunch of teenagers sitting in a car and they had thrown all of their fast food bags and containers out the windows,” Mayor Tolley said adding this came after people volunteered their time to pick up trash.

Mayor Clive Tolley during the city-wide community cleanup - photo credit City of Moose Jaw Facebook page

“We just had a community cleanup a few weeks ago where people volunteered to go out and clean up the community and picked up the stuff that people who just dumped out and it’s blowing around so… and don’t litter so we don’t need crews to pick up things.”

The Mayor mentioned respect and how such actions mean the City has to direct staff to clean up litter instead of doing other work like fixing potholes.

“Pay respect to the workers so they can do their jobs and fix potholes.”

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