Lane Question Asked At Council
By Robert Thomas
The placement of overhead road signage had a councillor asking at last Monday evening’s regular Council meeting the query exactly how many lanes are there heading north on 1st Avenue NW between Manitoba Street and Oxford Street.
“I had a discussion the other day with an individual on 1st Avenue Northwest and the issue is how many lanes are going north?” Councillor Doug Blanc asked.
“I always thought there was two. So I went and looked at it. Well it is really confusing because there are two arrows. One arrow turns left and and that is for the turning lane. The other has a straight ahead arrow but it is right in the middle of the two lanes,” Councillor Blanc said, adding “so I don’t know if there is one lane or two lanes.”
Councillor Blanc said he went back into Council’s minutes from December 5, 2020 where there was a recommendation from Public Works to install an additional 12 single parking meters and 10 double parking meters on 1at Avenue NW from Manitoba Street W to Oxford Street W at a cost of $24,000.
Due to the cost Council at that time the initiative was turned down.
City of Moose Jaw handout
It needs to be noted at that 2020 meeting Administration said installing the meters would be in the parking lane.
Additionally City of Moose Jaw Communication Director Craig Hemingway stated in a segment of the City produced pod cast “The Notorious Jawcast” in September 2019 the stretch on 1st Avenue NW was now down to three lanes from the previous four lanes- one south lane, one north lane and a shared center turning lane.
“That was in the 2021 budget so my question is how many lanes are going north? And if there is only one the signs need to be moved to be clarified on how many lanes there because it is confusing’” he said.
City Manager Jim Puffalt said the enquiry would be sent on to Public Works and Engineering for review.
It also needs to be noted the lane changes on the stretch of 1st Avenue NW have left many drivers asking questions about them at different times.