Question Asked About Garage Sale Signs

The City’s street signs might need replacing but the same does not seem applicable when if comes to signs for garage sales.

At Monday evening’s meeting of Moose Jaw City Council there was a question from Councillor Doug Blanc regarding Garage Sale signs and how long after the sale they can be left up.

“This year there are quite a few garage sales going on and you see posters hung up everywhere….and I was just wondering if there is a bylaw that a person has to take them down before a certain period of time? Because some people take them down weeks afterwards (the garage sale),” Councillor Blanc asked.

In response city manager Jim Puffalt said Administration did not have that information readily available.

“We don’t have that information off of the top of our heads but we will get a response,” Puffalt replied.

It should be noted that under the Miscellaneoius Bylaw 4423 the posting of Garage Sale signs (or any other sign on public property) except a campaign sign during an election is verboten.

The Bylaw states:

“Subject to subsection 24(b), no person shall affix or post any signs, posters, notices or other advertising devices of any kind, whether the notices are printed or - 4 - otherwise displayed, in any public building or other public place, except as may be specifically authorized by resolution of Council or bylaw.”

In all candidates’ packages to run for Mayor or Councullor there is a brief explanation of the sign rules.

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