Committee Discusses Possible Heritage Museum In The City's Future

Could a Moose Jaw Heritage Museum be something in the city’s future?

That is a question now being considered by the Heritage Advisory Committee.

In the Committee’s February 17, 2021 minutes submitted by Councillor Crystal Froese (Council’s representative on the committee) at this past Monday’s regular meeting of Council the Committee has started discussing the need for a museum to more adequately store the City’s artifacts.

As part of those discussions the Committee looked at creating a larger museum facility to hold artifacts owned by the City.

According to their minutes the Committee discussed the need for a “larger facility for Moose Jaw Museum needed to provide space for heritage artifacts, information specific to the pioneers of Moose Jaw and the history of Moose Jaw.”

The Committee also discussed the fact the City owns a number of buildings which may be suitable for the proposed museum idea project.

Another idea the Committee discussed was having pop-up interactive history displays where individuals could display artifacts and photographs.

City funding for the project was also discussed.

The Committee will invite Jennifer McRorie, Curatorial Director, Moose Jaw Museum and Art Gallery, to the next Heritage Advisory Committee meeting to discuss the matter.

No approval from Council was required for the minutes and they were received and filed.

moose jaw