Mayor Tolley Sees Pandemic Hitting City's Bottom Line At Budget Time

By Robert Thomas

If you thought the City was economically past the effects of the COVID - 19 pandemic when it comes to the upcoming budget you are going to have to think again. The pandemic will still effect the City’s bottom line according to Mayor Clive Tolley.

“I will be happy when it is over Robert,” newly sworn in Mayor Tolley said in response to a question by MJ Independent about where he thought we were when it comes to the COVID - 19 pandemic.

“I have no idea in terms of that and I am going to continue to follow the direction of the provincial health department and I would encourage people to do that and follow their direction and let’s hope we can get through this,” he said.

MJ Independent asked a follow up question on how he felt the pandemic would impact the coming budget discussions and Mayor Tolley said he felt it would have an effect on the City’s operations.

“I understand world-wide accessing products is difficult. The price of everything has gone up so obviously it is going to have a negative impact on the things we as a City purchase. So just like everybody that is in business in Moose Jaw when you are looking at purchasing something from somewhere else the cost is going to have to go up and we are going to have to account for that,” Mayor Tolley said.

On election night then mayor elect Tolley, in answer to a MJ Independent question, said his support for local businesses facing higher assessments and resultant property taxes also applied to homeowners who are going through tough economic times as well.

“I am not just in support of the business community but I would suggest in this last reassessment those (business community) were the people most hardest hit. And those were the people most vocal currently. So no I am going to be the mayor representing all citizens of Moose Jaw and all homeowners and I will do my best to listen to the concerns of all of those people,” he said.

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