Weekly Trash Collection For October Tabled To Budget Deliberations

Weekly trash collection in October to be part of 2022 Budget deliberations - extra free yard waste weekend approved in November

It might be too late for this year but if things go well during the 2021 budget deliberations residents might see October reverting from bi-weekly to weekly residential solid waste collection to assist residents clear their yards of leaves and other debris.

At their October 12th regular meeting Council discussed the potential of weekly pick-up for this year, but because nearly half of the month was gone decided to table the issue until operating budget discussions. Council did however approve an additional free yard waste weekend on November 6th and 7th.

“There were a number of complaints received and it was asked this be brought forward back to Council for further discussion. Certainly we know that leaves are still in the trees, last night (October 11th) was the first really hard frost and the additional pick-up during the month of October may help those people to some degree,” city manager Jim Puffalt said.

In October 1st the City moved to bi-weekly residential trash collection from weekly trash collection. Weekly trash collection runs from June 1st - October 1st each year and then reverts to bi-weekly collection during the winter.

The reason for the move to bi-weekly is to save money and space at the landfill and additionally the amount of refuse decreases dramatically after people are no longer mowing their lawns and working around their yards.

“There are a few things we can do to help the people and there is logic that can be made why we should look at that…we are suggesting that come back around to the budget in the fall as there is a cost to that about $11,000 a month to add on. But in the meantime we certainly could add a second free weekend at the landfill because there are going to be leaves falling for quite sometime,” Puffalt said.

Despite the large number of residents wanting the additional month (October) to help them dispose of leaves and other yard waste the solid waste data shows a decline in residential trash headed to the landfill.

“We do have the data the month of October is nearly not as high as the summer months for collection. And a weekly collection is not go to help, it is not going to alleviate the issue that some property owners are having with leaves on their property,” he said.

Councillor Doug Blanc said it was likely too late for this year but at budget he would be bringing forth a motion to permanently move October to weekly collection.

The additional cost for weekly collection is $11,000. Weekly collection costs $22,000 and as a utility the full cost is borne by residents on their water (utility) bills.

“I think we should have had October weekly but at this stage of the game we are almost halfway through the month. I don’t know if we can do it now, but I certainly will be recommending it once we get to budget,” Councillor Doug Blanc said.

Asked by Councillor Crystal Froese where the solid waste utility was financially Puffalt said it was where it should be. Residential solid waste collection is paid for in its entirety by its users who pay a monthly fee for service. In the past it was paid for as part of property taxes.

“I think that solid waste is a profit centre for the City. I think our budget numbers are where they should be for this time of year,” Pufffalt said.

Councillor Froese felt weekly pickup was still possible this October and the funds would come from the utility.

“I know we are at October 12th but I have seen some of the e-mails that people have sent. We have had an absolutely beautiful fall…I don’t seen any reason we could not allocate $11,000 from this to extend this into October to help people out alongside offering an additional (free) weekend for this month,” she said.

Councillor Heather Eby felt it was too late for this year but weekly residential waste collection needed to be part of the Budget discussions.

“Well I understand we cannot just throw in weekly right now because we are on a schedule and a rotation and the trucks are doing what they do and I am not sure that would really work….but I certainly be in favour when Councillor Blanc brings that forward we go back to weekly at least in October and if not one extra month in the spring,” Councillor Eby said.

She wondered if the additional free weekend chosen - November 6th and 7th - might not be appropriate due to the potential for Winter weather.

“Our intentions might be great but it might not be too helpful around that weekend. And we don’t have a crystal ball and we don’t know. It may end up being it doesn’t do what we want it to do. I am not so sure about that.”

The discussion turned to how some in the Avenues were actually paying private contractors to haul their waste away because they were allowed only to have six bags of garbage hauled every two weeks under bi-weekly collection.

Puffalt suggested those in the Avenues who have a contractor haul their garbage to pay for an additional service from the City as it is cheaper to get the garbage hauled away from their yards. An additional service costs $9 per month.

“For people in the Avenues who do not have a can right now it should be a request for an additional service for the week. So we can help people out for a pretty reasonable price,” Puffalt said.

The additional service can be set up by telephoning Public Works at 306 690-4540.

Acting Mayor Dawn Luhning said the need for a later weekly collection was something she had been requesting for years due to the lateness of the leaves falling.

“October 1st is too early and it has been to early for a number of years. I have had people call me over the years who are in the Avenues, that sort of thing…I have a big tree in my yard and the leaves aren’t off of it, so imagine being in the Avenues and there are lots of really mature trees and haven’t had their leaves fall yet and we are now in bi-weekly (collection). We have to look at this in budget,” Acting Dawn Luhning said.

In a unanimous vote Council approved the additional free yard waste weekend as well as to look at the matter of having weekly residential waste collection in October as part of the upcoming 2022 Budget discussions.

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