To Mask Or Not To Mask On Buses Was The Issue

The great debate over the wearing or not wearing of masks in public places has been hotly debated locally, with already a local anti-mask protest with counter protestors present and another anti-mask rally planned for this coming Sunday, and now it has briefly entered Council chambers once again.

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During an update about COVID - 19 and the virus which causes the illness, delivered by Moose Jaw and region public health officer Dr Hortense Tabian, the great mask debate re-entered Council discussions.

At an August 31st special Council meeting the subject of wearing masks in City facilities and while riding the bus was debated with Councillor Swanson the lone voice voting in favour of a proposed Mask Bylaw.

“I didn’t want to bring the medical health officer into local politics but I just wanted to make a point that I would feel remissent in not making a couple of weeks ago when we had the debate about wearing masks I notice the same night we defeated the bylaw about wearing masks on local transit buses Saskatoon voted to do that,” Councillor Swason said, adding “that was one of the points I failed to bring up I feel the disservice we are doing our transit operators by having them drive buses and not requiring masks on our buses.”

The Saskachewan Health Authority has recommended mask wearing where proper physical distancing of at least two meters between people is not possible as well as has issued guidelines on the proper wearing of masks.

He went on to state “I think we are asking them to roll the dice every time someone gets on the bus.”

Councillor Swanson noted most of the other communites he is following do have mandatory mask wearing rules on transit.

“I just don’t think that is following the recommendations of the people who are responsible for this in our community and in our province.”

Councillor Chris Warren pointed out that there are barriers in place on buses to protect operators from contracting the virus.

“My understanding is no other municipaity have made the masks mandatory but some have recommended they be worn…can you maybe speak to our safety measures Administration?” Councillor Warren asked.

“We certainly have a number of barricades in place to protect our drivers,” city manager Jim Pufflat responded, adding “we are strongly recommending masks. We have a supply of masks on every bus and we are trying to push that out as much as possible.”

Puffalt said that a large number of riders are in fact wearing masks on buses was high despite it not being mandatory.

“Our preliminary numbers indicate about 75 percent usage of masks. And we have similar to Regina and Saskatoon limited the number of people on the bus. I don’t think it has been an impact yet,” he said.

“We don’t want to move to standing room only as once again you are getting too many people too close together.”

I would echo Councillor Swanspn’s comments mandatory masks on buses would be an important step forward
— Moose Jaw city manager Jm Puffalt

Councllor Warren said both Regina and Saskatoon recommend masks be worn but also indicate the measures will not be enforced.

“So that is fairly similar as to what we have done as well,” he said.

moose jaw