Political Sparring Over Spending And Priorities

What happens when you bring together seven Council members and you approve spending of almost $20 million - most through long term borrowing - in the space of a couple of hours?

You get classic Moose Jaw City Council sparring with Councillor Brian Swanson pointing out the economic realities the City is now facing versus Councillor Chris Warren who says despite the difficulties the City is moving forward.

The videos are from the August 24th regular Council meeting.

The spending was for the High Service Pumphouse at a cost of $14,120,300 - long term borrowing of $10,000,000 - as well as equipment replacements of $5,234,041 and dressing room upgrades at the Pla-Mor Palace of $109,000.

Council had just been officially informed expected funding for the High Service Pumphouse from upper levels of government had been denied after the same fund provided close to $2 million to the Moose Jaw Municipal Airport.

During debate Councillor Swanson points out the financial state of the City.

He said if the City were a business they would reign in spending and use the savings to pay towards the priority project - the High Service Pumphouse - and not borrow as much money.

“Revenues are down. Economic activity is down and I don’t have a taxpayer’s bottomless pit I can go to,” Councillor Swanson said during the debate surrounding the report on the financial shape of the City.

Take a listen to the video below to hear Councillor Swanson’s side of the coin.

On the flip side Councillor Chris Warren had a different perspective.

He was replying to comments about the money spent by the City to fund the Moose Jaw Municipal Airport Authority - still a hot topic in the community.

“Councillor Swanson brings them up as items that haven’t been addressed. The reality is that they have all been approved by this Council…I reject the notion that these things are not getting addressed,” Councillor Warren said.

Watch the video below hear Councillor Warren’s take on the realities the City has faced.

moose jaw