Call To Cut Council's Pay Ruled Out Of Order

A call to reduce Council's remuneration was ruled out of order on Monday evening.

During the lengthy discussion surrounding the revised 2020 Operating Budget Councillor Brian Swanson called for a 20 percent reduction in Council's pay to September 30th. He said the cut was a way to show solidarity and restraint to the community given the impact many businesses and individuals are feeling from the COVID - 19 pandemic.

SEE RELATED - Outdoor Pool Not Opening Part Of Budget Cuts

Immediately after Swanson made his suggestion City Clerk/Solicitor Myron Gulka-Teichko said the request was out of order because it breached procedure as laid out in Council's Remuneration Bylaw #5088.

“It needs a notice of motion…it’s not in order at this point,” Gulka-Teichko said.

The City Clerk/Solicitor pointed out in order to comply with Bylaw 5088 there were procedures which needed to be followed which included publishing the proposed changes in Council's remuneration to allowed anyone in the general public to respond.

“I certainly believe it is in order because this would trigger that,” Councillor Swanson said.

Gulka-Teichko said any proposed pay cut would have to come through a Notice of Motion and not as part of the revised Operating Budget being discussed.

Finance director said the intent on revising the Operating Budget in one meeting was to akliw for tax notices to be sent out to property owners a call to reduce Council's pay could potentially delay that by weeks.

“It effectively defers your budget deliberations…you are looking at a delay certainly,” Acker said.

Councillor Swanson however disagreed with Administration saying the proposed reduction was in order given the economic effect the pandemic was having on residents and businesses.

“I think it is perfectly in order for Council to show some leadership and solidarity at this time,” Councillor Swanson said.

After briefly confering with Administration Committee of the Whole chair Councillor Scott McMann said he would have to rule any motion to cut Council's pay out of order as part of the revised Operating Budget debate.

“I have to rule it out of order at this time,” Councillor McMann said as the revised Operating Budget debate continued.

At the present time Council is waiting on a review of its remuneration with any vote not to take effect until after this Fall's municipal election. The review was initially scheduled to be before Council in March.

SEE RELATED - Council's Remuneration Under Review

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