New Joint Use School Grows Into Multi-Million Dollar Property Gambit

By Robert Thomas

It was suppose to be about a new joint use elementary school on South Hill, where the public and separate school divisions would close schools and then share a new much larger single school, but it now appears the school divisions are branching out into neighbourhood development and sales.

For at least one councillor the move has her asking what is behind the strategy?

“To me this is not necessarily a really clear process and I don’t understand why we have to look at selling 34 acres when the school only needs 10 (acres),” Councillor Crystal Froese said.

Under terms discussed during a January 30th in-camera (behind closed doors) special Executive Committee meeting a motion came forward to sell both Westheath property stages five and six to the Prairie South and Holy Trinity School Divisions for $2,541,848.

The deal would see the divisions pay a development levy and be responsible for the development and marketing of the new neighbourhood properties. The deal would additionally make the school divisions responsible for all infrastructure costs in developing the new neighbourhood. Initially the City had been set to plan, develop and sell the lots in Westheath phases five and six.

In asking for a re-vote on the issue Councillor Froese said she supported a new joint use school on South Hill but was bringing the matter forward to inform the public.

“I understand the reasons behind amalgamating the schools but what I am not understanding is the process on how we are landing on having to sell the entire phase five and six, 34 acres when the school only requires 10 (acres) and the entire process around that.”

“There is not a lot of context about this. It was discussed in-camera and I think citizens at home need to know how we landed at this,” she said.

Councillor Brian Swanson - who is also a Prairie South School Division trustee - said if the school divisions insist on developing the joint use school in the now empty Westheath phases Five and Six the City should allow them to pick up all of the costs and do so. Councillor Swanson stated he personally recused himself from any discussions and decisons made in regards Prairie South’s site selection.

“This is really taking the property taxpayers of Moose Jaw off of the hook for a school site decision made by the school divisions,” he said.

“What is behind this motion is if the school board insists on the site rather than the taxpayers of the City of Moose Jaw spending the millions to develop a sub division we are not ready to develop the school board can continue with that site but they would have to incur the costs of doing so,” Councillor Swanson said.

The motion was carried in a vote of 6 - 1 with Councillor Froese opposed.

On December 27, 2019 MJ Independent submitted an Freedom Of Information (FOI) request to Prairie South School Division (PSSD) requesting the following “All documents related to the selection of the location for the new joint use school proposed for South Hill. All documents related into seeking out alternative locations.”

On December 30, 2019 PSSD denied the FOI application. A Request For Review has been sent to the Privacy and Freedom Of Information Office and the appeal could take up to a year to process.

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