Councillor In His Final Speech Stands Up For the Valley

In what would prove to be his last great speech Councillor Brian Swanson came out in full support of those opposing development in the Wakamow Valley.

Councillor Swanson based his speech upon the timing of events and how he saw that as being indicative of something gone awry.

“What Council will be asked to do is to change the Official Community Plan and it has been mentioned the developer has been in consultation with the City for 18 months and the requesst to change the Community Plan was sent to City Hall six months ago. I am not in control of the timing of this one but someone is there was…”

“Administration was comfortable moving ahead at this time even though the Water Security Agency still had a report to write and their other report and it is very distressing to me that after the motion passed at the September 21st Council meeting was passed and an advertisement was placed that that got called off. And the excuse given to us was there are still reports to come forward when that point was made very clearly on September 21st,” Councillor Swanson said.

“To cancel the public consultation was not a Council decision that was made administratively.”

Councillor Swanson spoke about the short notice given to the Wakamow Valley Authority and the money they spent to mount an opposition campaign. But how that campaign was successful and gaining additional traction.

“On October 19th short notice (was given) so they began to spend money and start a campaign…what I believe happened is the developer was a bit taken aback by the size of the community response because if that had come forward tonight there would be a vote on the bylaw on whether to change the bylaw.”

Councillor Swanson said that waiting to hold the vote was designed to allow Council to have over three and a half years until they would face the voters.

“I think accountability is a major factor that goes with that was a major factor why this was delayed,” he said. “I would urge those voters when you see a candidate who says ‘I need to see all of the information and all the studies that is code for me they will vote to go ahead with this.”

Councillor Swanson said a petition would be the best option to send a strong mesage.

“If this is important to you do not let your energy be diminished by the delay.”

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