Mayor Says Local Media Responsible For Mixup

If you already have numbers on your house - no matter the colour or size - you do not need to worry the new rules do not apply to you as you are grandfathered. You do not need to run out and buy new numbers or move them in order to comply with new City regulations.

That is the word from last evening’s meeting of Moose Jaw City Council as Mayor Fraser Tolmie tried to clear up confusion and settle some of the anger in the community regarding the issue.

“Anybody who has a home is grandfathered,” Mayor Tolmie stated going on to explain the confusion was caused by the media. The problem with media misinterpretation was dealt with he said “the communications manager did speak to the local media (about it).”

In the Executive Committee agenda documentation there is a mention in the policy under point 3.1 that all existing properties are in fact grandfathered and the new number display requitements under point 3.2 as to size of the numbers, height from the ground, and their visibility from the street does not apply on any home already in existence.

Councillor Brian Swanson said the policy may have confused the media given how it was written out.

“Glad to see we are changing this to common sense,” Councillpr Swanson stated.

As a note - MJ Indepenedent did not attend the meeting in question but watched the broadcast which did not include the Executive Committee portion of the meeting due to Shaw Communications cutting the feed for the third Executive Committee meeting in a row. The City is working on rectifying the problem as there is a policy to broadcast all public Executive Committee meetings which coincide with a regular Council meeting.

moose jaw