Moose Jaw And District Seniors Receive City Help
It is a case of Surprisingly Unexpected as the Moose Jaw and District Seniors received $25,000 from the City on Monday evening
In a unanimous vote Council ratified a motion made by Councillor Brian Swanson at the October 15th Executive Committee meeting to grant the Moose Jaw and District Seniors $25,000 as well as invite the group to attend a Budget Committee meeting on November 18th for third party groups requesting City funding.
The $25,000 is coming from the Accumulated Surplus Reserve account.
“This is enormous it will keep our doors open for a few months and maybe offer a few more programs we were considering offering,” said Vicky Wandsworth president of the Moose Jaw and District Seniors.
For a look at some if the programs and offerings by the group click here.
Wandsworth said she could not comment further as the full details had not been released to the group. The group had previously been before Council requesting assistance.
The group is presently renegotiating their lease with the City with the pro bono assistance of local lawyer Talon Regent.
“I think this money will get them over this speed bump,” Councillor Crystal Froese said.
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