Changes Made Regarding Garbage Collection

Robert Thomas

Some major changes are coming for some residents' garbage collection and although the words "Curbside Collection" came up in questioning, City Administration quickly shut the discussion down.

During Monday's Executive Committee meeting changes were discussed to the Waste Management Bylaw but the biggest news will be able to hold 10-12 yards of trash.

The Committee voted in favour of purchasing a smaller garbage truck at an estimated cost of $180,000. The new truck will allow automated garbage removal in areas still utilizing manual garbage collection.

Previously, the City had been leasing a manual garbage truck to make the collection because their own manual garbage truck had broken down.

Councillor Dawn Luhning asked if the Engineering Department had looked at which would be more efficient, curbside collection or back-alley collection with the new truck?

Administration replied their recommendation was back-alley collection.

The new truck, although smaller, can also be used elsewhere other than the present manual collection areas in the event one of larger trucks breaks down.

“It will give us a better and more specialized garbage collection fleet when a truck goes down,” Josh Mickelborough City Engineer told the Committee.

Because of the move to automated collection, once the new truck arrives the manual collection areas will go to the same roll out bins as the rest of the city. An educational campaign will be presented as part of the conversion to alert residents of the change.

Executive Committee approved the new garbage truck purchase in a 4-2 vote. Both Councillors Swanson and Luhning opposed.

Additionally, proposed amendments to the Waste Management Bylaw will include the policy of formalization for allowing residential customers to acquire and be charged for either an extra garbage or recycle bin.

Under the proposed changes to the Bylaw residents will be able to obtain a second garbage bin at a cost of $55 plus the additional monthly fee they pay for their garbage collection. Residents requesting removal of their garbage can will pay the same fee.

Residents requesting an additional recycling bin may obtain one at the cost of $27.50. They will be charged the same recycling fee as their initial recycling bin. Residents requesting the removal of their recycling bin will pay the same charge.

It needs to be noted that during the 2018 debate about moving the entire city to curbside collection a few residents had requested and had the City come and remove their recycling bin as a protest against the proposed move.

Administration told Executive Committee that 30 residents had already requested the second bin. The changes to the bylaw would allow them to be billed.

When asked by Councillor Brian Swanson why the $55 charge for delivering a second garbage can, Admin replied that it was based upon cost recovery of not only taking out the bin but the administrative costs as well.

To help encourage recycling efforts the City subsidizes the delivery of a recycling bin at a rate of 50 percent.

“If you have additional garbage you should pay for it to be dropped off,” Councillor Dawn Luhning said.

The proposed changes to the Bylaw were 5-1, with Coun Swanson opposed.

There were two votes taken regarding solid waste. One for purchasing the new garbage truck and one for the Bylaw changes to allow additional bins.

SEE RELATED: Recycling Adds Up to Big Savings

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