Council/Executive Briefs

Robert Thomas

City Mayor’s Caucus

Mayor Fraser Tolmie presented a report from a recent meeting with the Saskatchewan City's Mayor’s Caucus.

Although the report was received and filed Mayor Tolmie wanted to point out two things that would be coming up at budget.

One issue he mentioned was the pilot program for photo radar and the strategic plans the City has for the funds coming in.

“The Province is initiating conversations with existing cities that have cameras concerning the program and the potential to either expand the program or use revenues from the existing program to help other communities with road safety upgrades,” the report stated.

He said Council would be having “further consultations about this.”

Holy Trinity Trustee Election

Council appointed Tracy Wittke as Associate Returning Officer for the Holy Trinity School Division as there has been a resignation.

The report to Council stated if there is an election and not an acclamation the Division would be cost sharing the election on a 75 percent City and 25 percent from the Division.

The estimated cost of the civic by-election is $60,000. The October 17 byelection is necessary after former longterm Councillor Don Mitchell resigned in order to care for his ailing wife.

Council Appointments

Councillor Dawn Luhning has been appointed Deputy Mayor from September 1st until October 31st.

Councillor Crystal Froese has been appointed Chairperson of Executive Committee from September 1st until October 31st.

Councillor Scott McMann has been appointed Chairperson of the Personnel Committee from September 1st until October 31st.

Heritage Advisory Committee

The minutes from the August 15th meeting was presented to Executive Committee. Highlights are as follows.

The committee discussed the repairs to a cast iron bell previously at the Moose Jaw Library and Art Museum.

The committee discussed where to finally install the bell. Three locations were discussed which included adjacent the Moose Jaw Police Services station, City owned land near the CPR station or on a corner of the Yvette Moore Art Gallery property. The item will be revisited at a later time.

The date was set for the committee to tour of the Moose Jaw Cemetery chapel. The tour will take place September 19th.

moose jaw