Tax Arrears Remain at Historic High


Robert Thomas

Called a “canary in a coal mine” by Councillor Brian Swanson; record tax arrears continue to dog the City's books into quarter two. Tax arrears remain at historic highs according to the quarterly reports.

Tax payment plans totalled $1,064,017 while tax liens totalled $605,698 for a total of $1,669,715 at June 30th.

At the same juncture in 2017 total arrears were $1,182,960 with $484,516 tax liens and $698,444 on payment plans.

At this time in 2013 total tax arrears was $631,166 rising in 2014 to $656,977. Total tax arrears jumped over 20 percent to $839,846 in June 2015 rising further in $1,113,969 in 2016 climbing to $1,182,860 in 2017 and $1,669,715 in June 2018.

“Simply raising taxes in excess of inflation, there are consequences which will catch up on us,” Swanson said.

At a previous Council meeting when Coun Swanson spoke about the climbing tax arrears Administration said it was a sign of the poorer economic times.

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