City Changes Ice And Court Surface Policy To Offer Better Ice Time

Council has approved a new ice and court policy which will see additional ice available during what is often considered the off season for user groups as well as additional court time for user groups.

The policy changes came into effect after consultation between the City and user groups. The new policy will not cost the City more money as the extended ice and court usage will generate sufficient income to pay for the changes the City said.

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Residents Request Alternative To One Side Only Parking

The potential of the City converting the narrow 1000 and 1100 blocks of 2nd Avenue NW to one side only parking to allow better access for fire trucks was before Council on Tuesday evening.

Council decided to refer the matter for further review.

We write a lengthy story of what was said at Council.

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Long Weekend Basketball Tournament A Swooooosh For Organizers

The Prairie Premier Classic was held this weekend with basketball players from Saskatchewan, Alberta and Manitoba competing. The caliber of play was extreme but the number of teams - 66 - was also a major weekend boost for Moose Jaw.

We attended a couple of U17 Girls games on Sunday which featured Moose Jaw teams in them so there are plenty of photos of people you might recognize with the story.

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CMHA Releases Results Of Study On Pandemic's Effects On Mental Health

A candid conversation with Phyllis O’Connor Executive Director of the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) about the effects of the COVID - 19 pandemic on people’s mental health.

The CMHA recently presented the results of a survey they conducted showing the trend lines in people’s attitudes, fears and overall impact the pandemic has had on individuals’ mental health.

O’Connor’s main message is in a world with a seeming reduction in empathy to one another is to remember everyone is impacted differently and just try to be kind to one another.

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