City Ends 2020 With A Small Budget Surplus

Through the careful stewardship of the City’s finances and a lot of hard work the City in the preliminary 2020 year end financials shows they were able to generate a small surplus.

Winning some long standing property tax appeals with some dating back to 2017 also brought in some much needed funds

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Administration Asked To Prepare Report Reviewing Snow Removal

Council unanimously approved a motion to have Administration prepare a report about the costs to remove the snow piled along Priority 1 and Priority 2 streets for discussion at next year’s budget deliberations.

Another potential solution discussed to improve snow clearing was to potentially test a different system on an area of Snow Route where residents would remove their vehicles from the streets and then the plow unobstructed without lifting the gate at driveways. Later residents would have to shovel their driveways out as done in Toronto and Montreal.

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Toastmasters To Offer On-Line Open House

The world of personal meetings might be suspended due to the COVID - 19 pandemic and the world may have gone virtual leaving many behind but the local Big Country Toastmasters has managed to adapt to face the on-line challenges and they are offering the opportunity to learn public speaking and leadership in a digital meeting world.

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City Launches New On-Line Events Ticketing Platform

The new on-line ticketing platform is now up and running.

And they are looking for business throughout Saskatchewan as they eagerly await the COVID - 19 pandemic restrictions to be relaxed allowing events to take place once again.

The platform will even allow holders of gift certificates issued in the wake of the Ticket Rocket Fiasco to readily and seamlessly purchase tickets with them at both Mosaic Place and the Moose Jaw Cultural Centre.

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